What/How it runs recdef olink02 monthly at 7AM on 15th TDPA34001 jobdef/tokendef /lawson/law/test/usrscripts/TDPA34001.sh dynamically shift date range, loads jobdef, runs report, and emails it Parent process none Child process none - Payroll uses it to ensure names are accurate and consistent Input system/files Lawson dbase /lawson/law/test/work/pa340jobtemplate - You have to create this via jobdump of a current job jobdump -d -o job -v jobname PA34001 > pa340jobtemplate Output system/files just a report via email Automation none Hard Coding lpace@forrestgeneral.com - currently the only recepient emailed LaSandra asking to put PayGroup (everyone in PR) Contacts LaSandra Pace, Payroll dept Lawson team, Ruth DOWNTIME none - can rerun if you want, it just spits out a "changed" report. It does a dynamic date range of "last 30 days" 15 to 15. So it might miss a few if run later in the month, but it's not critical anyway, just helpful.