What/How it runs WIM PioneerEmp daily 6:20am via rsh TD5011Execute.bat /lawson/law/prod/usrscripts/TD5011.sh Parent process Pioneer ingest the daily Employee Load into Accounts Receivable Child process none Input system/files PioneerEmp Pioneer dbase tables TD5011 /Common/LAWSON/PioneerEmpLoad.txt Output system/files PioneerEmp /Common/LAWSON/PioneerEmpLoad.txt Automation ftp common via root .netrc emails HCSEP and LawCallGroup via mailrc Hard Coding /Common/LAWSON Contacts Ruth, Lawson Team PioneerRx - 800 850-5111 - Customer # 33024 Tim McWilliams, Emp Pharm DOWNTIME none - it will not hurt if the load itself doesn't run for a day or two. this part just emails the dbase changes so Tim Knows who has been added/removed.