What/How it runs Kronos/WIM W_DiscBenEligibilityFile - runs daily at 3:20AM DiscBeneEligibilityFile.KNI - Flex Spending DbPTandEN.KNX - (pulls Unreimbursed Medical and Dependent Care changes on employees only) DbContribs.KNX - (pulls Unreimbursed Medical and Dependent Care payroll deductions on employees) DbFooter.KNX - (creates a footer record) e:\Kronos\IFC\DiscBenEligibilityFile\DiscBenPutEligFile.bat - (ftps file to vendor and archives in common) Parent process HR benefit staff enters Flex Spending on BN32, BN31.2 terms, etc Child process Discovery Benefit auto loads the file and works any issues with FGH HR Benefit people on LEAP site Input system/file InforDB/BENEFIT Output system/files Vendor server YYYYMMDD_GPID_XFGH.txt Automation psftp via encrypted key to their ftp site ARCHIVE \\fghuser\common\Common\HR-PR-IS\DiscoveryBenefits\Archive\YYYYMMDD_GPID_XFGHhhnn.txt Hard Coding Plan Code FSUM, FSDC Emp Status translation table Emp Status dates pulls only changes "yesterday" contribs only pull on Thursdays of payroll run week Contacts Lawson Team, Ruth HR, Deborah Pierce, Becky Holder Discovery Benefit, Alisha Bailes, abailes@discoverybenefits.com, Direct: 701-239-6479 | Toll Free: 866-451-3399 (Implement Mgr) Kirk Jenson, kjenson@discoverybenefits.com, Direct: 701-239-6489 | Toll-Free: 866-451-3399 (ftp) DOWNTIME Must be run manually as it is date specific. It pulls changes from "yesterday". It also pulls PR deductions every other Thursday during payroll run week. I do not know the process on their side if you run it at a different time. ?????