What/How it runs WIM, W_Valley Foods Incoming_Sat, every other week on Sat 11:00AM valleyfoodsincoming.kni valleyfoodsin.bat Parent process Valley Foods produces 2 files of charges and sends an email with totals Child process WIM - GempayChargesEnd.kni WIM - GempayChargesfinFile.kni WIM - GemPayChargesPRFile.kni Payroll run, FG515, usually Tue morning, processes charges. Input system/files customer.horizonsoftware.com /private/marg02 2310-charge.txt 2320-charge.txt Output system/files \\fghuser\common\Common\valleyfoods\mghmeals \\fghuser\common\Common\valleyfoods\wchmeals Automation kronos ftp to customer.horizonsoftware.com via marg02 user ARCHIVE \\fghuser\common\Common\valleyfoods\Archive\mghmeals%DT%.txt \\fghuser\common\Common\valleyfoods\Archive\wchmeals%DT%.txt Hard Coding Contacts Ruth has this help desk guy: Phil Puckett Project Manager Office: 601-664-3118 Cell: 601-832-0042 ppuckett@eliorna.com There is also a Jason, but don't have any other numbers or emails. Adam Brock does not work there anymore Hope has these: walthallgeneral@valleyservicesi.com cedwards@eliorna.com, Cathy Edwards skennedy@eliorna.com, Stephen Kennedy DOWNTIME