What/How it runs Kronos/WIM W_UMREligibility - (runs week days) Mon, Tue, Wed, Thurs, Fri of every week at 3:15AM UMREmpElig.KNI UMREmpElig.KNX (pulls employee accounts only) UMREmpTermsElig.KNX (pulls recent emp ins terms/stops) UMRDepElig.KNX (pulls dependents accounts - spouse and children) UMRDepTermsElig.KNX (pulls recent dep ins terms/stops) UMRTotElig.KNX (creates a footer record) e:\Kronos\IFC\UMREligibilityFile\UMRPutEligFile.bat (ftps file to vendor, archives files to common for HR) W_UMREligibility4HR - runs daily at 3:05AM UMREmpElig4HR.KNX (pulls employee accounts only and produces a human readable file for HR) UMRDepElig4HR.KNX (pulls dependents accounts - spouse and children and produces a human readable file for HR) W_UMRFullEligibility - (runs week days) Mon, Tue, Wed, Thurs, Fri of every week at 11:20PM e:\Kronos\IFC\UMREligibilityFile\UMRGetFullEligFile.bat - (gets Navitus file from UMR server) UMRFull4EmpPharm.KNX - (produces ImportWork file for Lawson cobol pgm) e:\Kronos\IFC\UMREligibilityFile\UMRFullPutImpWrkFile.bat - (moves ImportWork file to Lawson server and executes olink02, TD501 job) SEE TD501README for the rest Parent process HR benefit staff enter Insurance on BN32, BN31.2, HR13, terms, etc. They must attach dependent records to the correct insurance plan FULL-UMR produces a Navitus file and puts on thier server. It does not have a date in the filename so it overlays as they cannot control waht time it runs or even if it runs every day. Child process UMR auto loads the file and their enrollment team works any issues with FGH HR Benefit people 4HR-HR staff verifies accuracy both from lawson and what loads in DiscBen FULL-HR verifies accuracy of cobra list Year End Process This is done manually by HR staff during and just after Open Enrollment. The start dates will be Jan 1 of the new year, so they are excluded from the daily full file plus recent terminations. Will need to send a separate file of all adds for new year after HR is done entering them and in time for UMR to mail the cards. HR will manually send all new year adds after the file. Due to the way HR wants terminations entered, we are subtracting a day from some insurance stop dates which creates a one day lapse of coverage in some instances between the old year stop and the new year start if they changed any insurance options. HR will manually email UMR for each account that needs addressing. Input system/files InforDB/BENEFIT and HRDEPBEN vendor server /out/forrest_generalhospital/uft/FGH_Navitus e:\Kronos\IFC\UMREligibilityFile\ImportWorknosort Output system/files \\fghuser\common\Common\HR-PR-IS\UMR\Archive\K35_P_forrestgeneral%DT%%TM%.txt \fghuser\common\Common\HR-PR-IS\UMR\Archive\K35_4_HR%DT%%TM%.csv \\fghuser\common\Common\HR-PR-IS\UMR\Archive\FGH_Navitus_%DT%.txt e:\Kronos\IFC\UMREligibilityFile\ImportWorknosort Lawson server /lawson/law/prod/work/EMPPHARM/ImportWorknosort Vendor server /in/forrest_general_hospital/uft/K35_P_forrestgeneral%DT%.txt Automation psftp via encrypted key to their ftp site ARCHIVE \\fghuser\common\Common\HR-PR-IS\UMR\Archive\K35_P_forrestgeneral%DT%%TM%.txt \\fghuser\common\Common\HR-PR-IS\UMR\K35_4_HR%DT%%TM%.csv \\fghuser\common\Common\HR-PR-IS\UMR\Archive\FGH_Navitus_%DT%.txt Hard Coding Plan Codes of PPA, PPB, PPC dates 1/1/2019 coverage option/tier/type conversion table Contacts Lawson Team, Ruth HR, Deborah Pierce, Becky Holder UMR, Patti.Busche@umr.com, Phone: 715-841-7455 (programmer) Nick.Bowen@optum.com, 715-841-7494 (ftp) Enrollment Representative (Joanna Kennedy) DOWNTIME None. It is a full file each day of the week, so if they miss one file, it will be ok. Can run WIM manually. I think UMR will autoload files in a few minutes. If not, call them, if necessary. If we miss a Navitus file for a day or two, that is ok also. It is a full file that includes cobra and non employees.