What/How it runs recdef olink02 monthly at 20:09 on 4th of month TDPA34002 jobdef/tokendef /lawson/law/prod/usrscripts/TDPA34002.sh dynamically shift date range, loads jobdef, runs report, and emails it Parent process none Child process Shirley uses it to merge charts in MediTrax when transfers happen between facilities Input system/files Lawson dbase /lawson/law/prod/work/pa340jobtemplate - You have to create this via jobdump of a current job jobdump -d -o job -v jobname PA34001 > pa340jobtemplate tweak pa340jobtemplate as necessary /lawson/law/prod/usrscripts/datecalc.sh Output system/files just a report via email Automation none Hard Coding email addresses scarter@forrestgeneral.com Contacts MediTrax, Shirley Carter Lawson team, Ruth DOWNTIME run manually It does a dynamic date range of previous 31 days. So if run late you might miss a day or two. Can be run manually on PA340 form also. can rerun it, it just spits out a "changed" report.