What/How it runs Manually by LaSandra during payroll run Tokendef TD511MC - /lawson/law/prod/usrscripts/TD511.sh check Tokendef TD511PR - /lawson/law/prod/usrscripts/TD511.sh payroll Tokendef TD511RS - /lawson/law/prod/usrscripts/TD511.sh RPpay Have to assist user in setting up job definitions to run the tokendef DO NOT ROLL THIS SCRIPT FROM TEST TO PROD EMAIL ADDRESSES WILL BE DROPPED can roll from PROD TO TEST but might want to remove some email address for testing as it causes panic to users dont think these are used at all.... Tokendef TD511TCK - /bin/TD511.sh test-manchk Tokendef TD511TST - TD511.sh test Parent process see steps in payroll run Child process see steps in payroll run Input system/files /lawson/law/prod/work/tape FGHACHpayroll /lawson/law/prod/work/pr180-tape FGHACHcheck /lawson/law/prod/work/RPpayTape FGHACHRPpay Output system/files /lawson/law/prod/work/tape FGHACHpayroll /lawson/law/prod/work/pr180-tape FGHACHcheck /lawson/law/prod/work/RPpayTape FGHACHRPpay Automation none Hard Coding: DO NOT ROLL THIS SCRIPT FROM TEST TO PROD EMAIL ADDRESSES WILL BE DROPPED can roll from PROD TO TEST but might want to remove some email address for testing as it causes panic to users Line 1 date 24-29 pulls from Tape date on PR180 in yymmdd format Bank uses this as the file creation date so it should be “System/Today’s” date in yymmdd format Line 5 date 70-75 pulls from the pr80/pr141 and it is the check date that shows up on the check stub. For Paychecks this is always the Friday date, manual checks vary. Bank uses this as post/settlement date. FGH does not want it to post/settle on the check date, it wants to post/settle on an earlier date. So we are incorrectly using tape date in pr180 as bank post/settlement “earlier date” take the date in line 1 (pr80/tape) and put it in line 5 overlaying pr80/141 check date. Put todays date in line 1 overlaying pr80/tape date pr80/pr141 check date is not sent to bank at all. Contacts LaSandra in payroll Lawson team, Hope and Ruth DOWNTIME Manually run TD511.sh to verify date and total Can be run as many times as necessary, it only produces a totoal sum and date