What/How it runs W_UMRFullEligibility - (runs week days) Mon, Tue, Wed, Thurs, Fri of every week at 11:20PM e:\Kronos\IFC\UMREligibilityFile\UMRGetFullEligFile.bat - (gets Navitus file from UMR server) UMRFull4EmpPharm.KNX - (produces ImportWork file for Lawson cobol pgm) e:\Kronos\IFC\UMREligibilityFile\UMRFullPutImpWrkFile.bat - (moves ImportWork file to Lawson server and executes olink02, TD501 job) OLINK02/TD501 jobdef TD501 /lawson/law/prod/usrscripts/TD501.sh (temp file cleanup and sort ImportWork file) HR/FG503 - HCS Ins to FGH Prism Emp Pharm (see FG503README) TD501A /lawson/law/prod/usrscripts/TD501A.sh - (moves file to PioneerRx file pc shared drive, emails cobra file to HR staff) Parent process UMR produces a file on their sftp site each day listing all ins accts moveit, AAALawson Get BCBS Eligibility File for AAA - puts it in common/Lawson AAAelegiblityBCBS WIM, W_AAAEmpLoadARPioneer, daily at 6:40PM Creates the AAA employee file that is added to the Empin Child process 6AM Mon-Fri, PioneerRx ingests the EMPIN file and inactivates, adds, changes AR accounts as necessary 6:30AM daily KRONOS wim PioneerEmp.kni verifies results of EMPIN load Input system/files UMRFullEligibility UMR server, /out/forrest_generalhospital/uft/FGH_Navitus_YYYYMMDD.txt FG503 /lawson/law/prod/work/EMPPHARM, ImportWorknosort - ImportWork Lawson dbase tables Output system/files UMRFullEligibility /lawson/law/prod/work/EMPPHARM/ImportWorknosort FG503 /lawson/law/prod/work/EMPPHARM ImportErrors.txt ImportCobra.txt INSURANCEIN1.txt EMPIN.txt Pioneerserver/HEP_Payroll EMPIN.txt INSURANCEIN.txt Archive Common\HR-PR-IS\UMR\Archive\FGH_Navitus_YYYYMMDD.txt Automation UMRFullEligibility win psftp to UMR server with Crypto key TD501A appends AAA Ambulance emps to end of EMPIN.txt perls INSURANCEIN1.txt to remove special characters Tim says State of MS rejects ftp via root .netrc to Pioneer file pc shared drive INSURANCEIN.txt EMPIN.txt Hard Coding FG503 HCS facility code = 100283 nonemp badge 000000001 cobra first digit of emp status = T first 3 of process level = FGH relation code crosswalk arrears onetmded PHAR, status = 2, process level = FGH1, so credit limit = 0001 credit limit = 0500 Contacts Patti.Busche@umr.com, UMR Nick.Bowen@optum.com, UMR connectivity Tim McWilliams, Emp Pharm Theresa McDaniel, Pharm Troy Daniels, Admin Lawson Team - Ruth PioneerRx, Customer # 33024 - 800 850-5111 DOWNTIME It does not have to run as it will keep the old file can run early or late can be run multiple times as it just overlays the file CAUTION - do NOT allow it to process a partial file as it will inactivate all the AR accounts not in the file. either a good file or no file And if you run it without running the WIM W_AAAEmpLoadARPioneer first, you will inactivate all the AAA employees