What/How it runs WIM PioneerPR.kni runs every other Sunday at 6:30AM /lawson/law/test/usrscripts/TD5012.sh Parent process PioneerRX produces a TranOut.csv file on their file server in HEP_Payroll folder WIM PioneerPR.KNI produces /common/LAWSON/PioneerPayroll.txt showing total charges Child process WIM W_PioneerPRSplit_Sun, every other Sunday 7:30AM, splits file on lawson server-FGH back to lawson, AAAA moves to common folder MoveIt puts AAA charge file from common onto AAA server - AAALawson Put Deduct File Advanced Sun 8:30-9:30AM Payroll process the charges with FG522 during the payroll run on Tuesday morning Input system/files prism file pc /HEP_Payroll/Tranout.csv common/LAWSON/PioneerPayroll.txt Output system/files Lawson $LAWDIR/$FGHENV/work/PRISMIMP/PRISMIMP.csv Automation ftp common via root .netrc emails PayDept and LawCallGroup via .mailrc Hard Coding /Common/LAWSON Contacts Ruth, Lawson Team PioneerRx - 800 850-5111 - Customer # 33024 Tim McWilliams, Emp Pharm Payroll Dept, LaSandra Pace DOWNTIME must be run manually before payroll needs the file to run FG522!