What/How it runs -Something on Pioneer runs at 6:00AM to produce the tranout file in c:\HEP_Payroll on the old prism server that is now the "file automation pc" and a workstation. It is the first one located on the pharmacist counter in the back- WIM W_PioneerPR_Sun, every other Sunday 6:30AM moves Pioneer server tranout charge file to lawson WIM W_PioneerPRSplit_Sun, every other Sunday 7:30AM, splits file on lawson server-FGH back to lawson, AAAA moves to common folder MoveIt, AAALawson Put Deduct File Advanced - puts AAA charge file from common onto AAA server -Payroll run completes- WIM W_EmpPharmPayments_Wed, every other Wed 1:15PM, pulls payrolldeds/"payments" dedin file, and sends to Pioneer server -Something on Pioneer server runs and posts the dedin payments file- WIM W_PioneerPRPay_Thur every other Thurs 6:30AM, emails payments posted amount from Pioneer dbase Parent process see above Child process see above Input system/files /lawson/law/prod/work/PRISMIMP/PRISMIMP.csv Output system/files \fghuser\common\Common\Lawson\PRISMIMPall.csv \fghuser\common\Common\Lawson\PRISMIMP.csv common/lawson/PioneerChargeTotals.csv common/lawson/PioneerAAAChargesYYYYMMDD.csv Common\Accountants\PioneerAAAChargesYYYYMMDD.csv /lawson/law/prod/work/PRISMIMP/PRISMIMP.csv Automation emails PioneerChargeTotals.csv to payroll staff and LawCallGroup Hard Coding email addresses Contacts Lawson Team, Ruth PioneerRx 800 850-5111 Customer # 33024 DOWNTIME run manually in correct order, the file has to be there to process payroll. cannot run multiple times as it overlays the input file in Lawson