What/How it runs WIM, every other Wed, 7:52AM PRDedHosp.kni SortLegacyAccounts.knx LoadAccountsLUTable.knx LawPRDeds.knx LegacyAmouts.knx SortEpicAccounts.knx LoadAccountsLUTable.knx again FinalReport.knx Parent process Payroll run completes so deduction records are created EPIC sends a list of all active accounts and balances (MoveIt-PR Deduct, Wed 3:30) Legacy sends a list of all active accounts and balances (MoveIt-Legacy to Common PR deduct, Wed 6:45-7:45) Child process Patient Accounts manually posts payments in Legacy and/or EPIC Input system/files common\WIMEPIC\legacy_payroll_deduct_MMDDYY.txt Lawson dbase tables common\WIMEPIC\payroll_deduct.txt Output system/files common\Patient_accounts\epicPRarNEWYYYYMMDD.csv Automation none Hard Coding discards zero or space Legacy balance records (they had issues they could not fix, so I worked around them) Lawson PAYDEDUCTN.ded_code = 'BILL' and PAYDEDUCTN.check_date = (to_date(SYSDATE)+2) *****ISSUES if payroll runs with a different GLDate, the +2 has to adjust to whatever they did Contacts Lawson team, Ruth Patient Accounts, Khiera Owens, Frances Aycock Legacy, Kendal Edwards kedwards@legacydataaccess.com Office: 678-383-1226 Mobile: 678-472-1178 www.legacydataaccess.com support 678-370-0149 Legacy, Mimi Clark DOWNTIME Must be run manually that day, or adjust the +2 GLDate search criteria and run at a later date. It cannot be run early as payroll has to be completed for the deductions to exist. Can be run multiple times as it only produces a file.