What/How it runs W_POU_DFT File Burst daily at 11:35PM POU_DFT File Burst.kni POUdftcopy.bat ChargesToLUTable.knx POU_FGH_DFT.KNX ChargeFileFix.KNX POU_HCH_DFTwFT1_5.KNX Parent process MSCM produces charge file each night at 11:00PM or 10:00PM (DST change) named DFT_YYYYMMDD99999999.hl7 (not sure what 99999999 is other than variable numbers) sometimes it spits out this kind of horrifical file name too. {F9B8D4C1-2446-4E10-8775-A4A20E91D687}-DFT_20160315233810000.hl7 Child process EPIC inbound iface picks up any file named with .hl7 extension in \\mscmprodapp\Billing folder immediately Input system/files \\mscmprodapp\Billing\POU\*.hl7 into \\mscmprodapp\Billing\POU\POUDFT.txt MSCM dbase \\mscmprodapp\Billing\POU\POUDFTFix.txt POUChargesPAR.TBL Output system/files POUChargesPAR.TBL \\mscmprodapp\Billing\POU\POUDFT.txt \\mscmprodapp\Billing\POU\POUDFTFix.txt \\mscmprodapp\Billing\DFT_yyyymmddhhnnsszzz.hl7 \\mscmprodapp\Billing\HCH\HCHCPSIDFTyyyymmddhhnnsszzz.hl7 Automation none ARCHIVE \\mscmprodapp\Billing\POU\POULogs\*.hl7 Hard Coding lots Contacts Lynn Smith, Lawson Team Stacy Townsend, EPIC Iface EPIC billing people DOWNTIME run manually to avoid late charges let everyone including EPIC billing folks know if it's going to be late