What/How it runs kronos WIM W_POUADTErrorCheck_3PM and W_POUADTErrorCheck_11:55PM, every day(emails Lawson team only if errors are found) POUADTErrorCheck.kni POUADTErrorCheck.bat Parent process EPIC sends ADT to MSCM server Child process none - or fix error if it finds any and resubmit failed ADT (to do this you rename the error file without the ".err" - leaving the ".txt" at the end) Input system/files MSCMprodapp server E:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\profiles\mscmprod\logs\* Output system/files none Automation MSCMprodapp server E:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\profiles\mscmprod\logs directory has to be shared as read only to kronos user ARCHIVE none Hard Coding only a batch file Contacts Lawson Team, Ruth, Lynn EPIC ADT Stacy Townsend DOWNTIME Can be run multiple times, it only checks for patient location errors it will send the same errors each time if any are found because it searches all "today" log files Can be run late or early - or even skipped, it just checks "today" log files for patient location error only Notes you open the attachment to see date/time of errors rdp to mscmprodapp E:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\profiles\mscmprod\logs Find the adtevent.log.?? file that would contain the errors Try to determine if this is a real error or junk data that EPIC sends (EPIC changed names of beds a long time ago, instead of inactivating the bed and creating a new one. So now anytime something on that old patient/visit gets changed, we get bad adt records from them. Those bad events are always on discharged patients and the room and bed do not match. It is obviously bad data.) Anything other than that needs to be fixed because it usually means a visit is missing in POU so they cannot scan supplies and charge the patient. I cannot document how to fix it because sometimes we have to get creative depending on the why it didn't load. The other thing to note is those logs end at ...100. You gotta check it in 24 hours.