What/How it runs cron daily at 13:20 /lawson/law/prod/usrscripts OIGCron.sh OIGload.pl with UPDATED.csv OIGDRload.pl with oig.csc Parent process 1) cron job on LGWebApps runs url.py and med.py(this one only runs once a month) which downloads the OIG list and Sanctioned Providers List after these 2 python scripts run, it kicks off a shell script (oigFTP.sh and medFTP.sh) to ftp those files to the NewCommon drive on Kronos UPDATED.csv and SanctionedProvidersList.csv MoveIT Moves file from NewCommon\OIG\UPDATED.csv to OldCommon\WIMEPIC\OIGDBFiles and renamed OrigUPDATED.csv Kronos7-4 Window Task Scheduler that is scheduled daily at 3:20AM OIGcsvConvert - Powershell script C:/Scripts/OIGcsvConvert.ps1 Reprocesses OldCommon\WIMEPIC\OIGDBFiles\OrigUPDATED.csv to OldCommon\WIMEPIC\OIGDBFiles\UPDATED.csv so perl script will read it later WIM W_MedicaidOIG that is scheduled daily 3:25AM CSVappend.kni and CSVappend.KNX OldCommon\WIMEPIC\OIGDBFiles\SanctionedProvidersList.csv adds to OldCommon\WIMEPIC\OIGDBFiles\UPDATED.csv 2) EPIC produces OIG.csv file at 3:15 on the EPIC server that contains physicians Moveit OIG that is scheduled daily at 4:05AM Pulls from EPIC (/epic/prdfiles/fgh/extracts/Oig) Moves it to /lawson/law/prod/work/OIG/oig.csv 3)Moveit OIG CSV to Lawson, that is scheduled daily at 4:10AM Moves OldCommon/lawson/homecare_docs.csv file to /lawson/law/prod/work/OIG/homecare_docs.csv OldCommon\WIMEPIC\OIGDBFiles\UPDATED.csv to /lawson/law/prod/work/OIG/UPDATED.csv ?????where did homecare_docs.csv come from - ModifiedDate on it was 6/10/2019????? ?????And why did it get homecare_docs.csv - I thought that is on EPIC now and was supposed to be removed????? ?????the home care stuff is #'d out in Lawson, removed that stuff so that file doesn't get moved everyday for nothing????? ?????And get them out of the oracle table also, there are 1,600 of them still in there with 5/29/2019 as last updated date????? Child process there are 3 crystal reports scheduled on the CrystalR3 server, Paul/Joann can help with this. Infor10 OIG Dr by NPI.rpt runs at 23:30PM daily select dr.NPI,dr.lname,dr.fname, oig.firstname,dr.dob, oig.dob, oig.address, oig.city, oig.state, oig.upin,dr.src from turnover.dr dr join turnover.OIG oig on (oig.npi=dr.npi) where oig.npi is not null and oig.npi>0 order by dr.src,dr.lname , dr.fname ,oig.firstname; Infor10 OIG Employee_new.rpt runs at 23:30PM first day of every month select e.employee,e.last_name,e.first_name, oig.firstname,to_char(p.birthdate,'MM/DD/YY') as EMPDOB, oig.dob, oig.address, oig.city, oig.state, oig.upin,e.process_level from prod.employee e join turnover.OIG oig on (oig.lastname = upper(rtrim(e.last_name)) and e.first_name like (substr(oig.firstname,1,1))||'%') join prod.paemployee p on ( e.company=p.company and e.employee=p.employee ) where e.company=10 and e.emp_status in ('A1','A2') and to_char(p.birthdate,'MM/DD/YY')=oig.dob order by e.process_level,e.last_name , e.first_name ,oig.firstname; Infor10 OIG Active Vendors.rpt runs at 23:35PM first day of every month select v.vendor, v.vendor_vname, oig.busname, oig.address, oig.city, oig.state from prod.apvenmast v join turnover.oig oig on ( oig.busname=upper(rtrim(v.vendor_vname)) ) where v.vendor_status='A' order by oig.busname; Input system/files /lawson/law/prod/work/OIG oig.csv (EPIC physicians) UPDATED.csv (OIG website) Output system/files Lawson Oracle TURNOVER schema OIG and DR files OIG table is OIG website - truncates table and loads DR table is all the physicians from all the files removes records from src file with old dates then loads Automation connects to oracle dbase and writes into tables Hard Coding OIGCron.sh none OIGload.pl oracle perl path OIGDRload.pl oracle perl path Contacts Jonas Bull who doesn't work here anymore Richard Carter Lawson Team DOWNTIME none - can be skipped a day or two can run early or late can run multiple times it just deletes and writes records in tables NOTES OIGload.pl changed to get rid of hardcoding FROM my $env=$ARGV[0]; my $date=$ARGV[1]; unless ($env) {die "Need a file";} $date=Todays_Date('d') unless ($date); my $dbuser='system'; my $dbpass='accessORA'; my $dbhost='lawdb'; my $sid='lawprod11g.fghnet.com'; change it TO: my $file=$ARGV[0]; my $env=$ARGV[1]; my $date=$ARGV[2]; unless ($file) {die "Need a file";} $date=Todays_Date('d') unless ($date); my $dbuser='system'; my $dbpass='accessORA'; my $dbhost='infordb'; my $sid='lawprod.fghnet.com'; if ($env eq 'test'){ $dbpass='accessORA'; $dbhost='infortdb'; $sid='lawtest.fghnet.com'; }