What/How it runs kronos WIM W_MSCMBedsWDischgErrors, every day MSCMBedsWDischgErrors.KNI MSCMBedsWDischgErrors.KNX MSCMBedsWDischgErrors.bat Parent process none Child process none Input system/files MSCMdbase Output system/files E:\Kronos\IFC\MSCMBedsWDischgErrors: MSCMBedsWDischgErrors.txt bedcount.txt Automation emails LawCallGroup only if there is two patients in at least one bed ARCHIVE none Hard Coding none Contacts Ruth, Lawson team DOWNTIME none, but it can be run manually. It is only a precaution to help identify missing discharges ADT Team Contacts - (will add more as we contact them) Mia Jones - 85563 You can also call Victoria and she can connect you with one of the ADT people -- 85459