What/How it runs WIM, Tue weekly at 8:18PM LoadPhotos.kni GetPicsReady.knx GetPicsReadyLawson.bat rsh /lawson/law/prod/usrscripts/KronosPic.sh LoadPhotos.knx Parent process HR moves pending status to active status when hired Child process none Input system/files Lawson dbase tables common/lawson/photoload.txt Output system/files common/lawson/PicList common/lawson/photoload.txt kronos dbase tables Automation none Hard Coding (to_char(PERSACTHST.date_stamp,'YYYYMMDD')) Between (to_char((SYSDATE - 8), 'YYYYMMDD')) AND (to_char((SYSDATE - 1), 'YYYYMMDD')) and Workunit.field_key = 82 and Paytype.field_key = 96 and EMPLOYEE.emp_status not in ('00', 'T1', 'T2', 'T3', 'T4', 'T5', 'T6', 'T7', 'T8', 'T9') and (PERSACTHST.action_code = 'STATUS N/H' or PERSACTHST.action_code = 'STATUS R/H') Contacts Lawson Team, Ruth DOWNTIME run manually, can be run late as it will pick up new hires for a week can be run multiple times as it will just update the pics in kronos dbase