What/How it runs WIM, yearly June 1st LawPicCleanUp.kni GetLawsonList.bat /lawson/law/test/usrscripts/CleanPicGetList.sh LawPicCleanUpActorDel.knx LAwPicCLeanUpDelList.knx PutLawsonDelList.bat /lawson/law/test/usrscripts/CleanPicPutDelList.sh LawPicCleanUpMisAct.knx GetLawsonList.bat AGAIN /lawson/law/test/usrscripts/CleanPicGetList.sh AGAIN DelLawsonWorkFiles.bat /lawson/law/test/usrscripts/CleanPicDelWrkFile.sh Parent process none Child process IT to bump the eactlist to the plistclean, any unmatched means they do not have a picture in Lawson or Kronos. Usually Physicians who refuse to do it or rehires they did not retake the picture on. Send email to responsible HR folks to get their picture retaken. Input system/files /lawson/web/lawson/xhrnet/images/employees (jpgs) lawson dbase files Output system/files common\WIMEPIC\eactlist.txt common\WIMEPIC\plistclean.txt Automation RSH root, ftp root ARCHIVE none Hard Coding Variable Query LawPicCleanUpActorDel.knx, status starts with 0,A,L, T1, T2, or T8 Contacts Lawson TEam, Ruth DOWNTIME none can be run anytime, can be run multiple times