What/How it runs WIM, every other Wed at 4:00PM lpaccruals.kni lpaccruals.knx Parent process assume paryroll run? Child process assume none? Input system/files lawson dbase tables Output system/files kronos dbase tables Automation none Hard Coding (TO_CHAR(TAEEMASTER.mstr_end, 'YYYYMMDD')) = 17000101 and (to_char(TAEEMASTER.lst_per_dt_hrs, 'yyyymmdd')) <> 17000101 and EMPLOYEE.emp_status not in ('T1', 'T2', 'T3', 'T4', 'T5', 'T6', 'T7', 'T8', 'T9') and EMPLOYEE.process_level not in ('FGHRP') Contacts Lawson Team, Hope DOWNTIME assume it must be run manually, ask Hope