What/How it runs WIM, manual by Payroll at begin(Mon) of payroll run after time changes deadline HOURSManual.kni hours.knx hoursextra.knx hours.bat Parent process none Child process Payroll run WIM, W_HoursLRS_Thur runs every other Thursday (during payroll run) Input system/files kronos dbase tables Lawson dbase tables Output system/files common\hr lawson\ach files\prtrcsv.csv /lawson/law/prod/work/PRTRCSV/prtrcsv Automation bat ftps to lawson via ftpuser ARCHIVE common\hr lawson\ach files\prtrcsv%DT%.csv Hard Coding LOTSA stuff Contacts Lawson Team, Hope Payroll, LaSandra DOWNTIME Must be run so they can start payroll run! can be run multiple times as it only produces a file that goes to Lawson