What/How it runs WIM, W_HcSExportFiles7AM, Mon - Fri at 7:20PM W_HcSExportFiles12Noon, Mon - Fri at 12:20 HcSExportFiles.kni HcSGetFilesINFOR.bat olink02 HR515HCS olink02 HR511HCS Parent process Health Care source generates new hire and user field files on their server Child process HR employee processing stuff Input system/files Hcs Server/HRISOUT NewHires08.csv NewHires13.csv HR515UsrFld%DT%.csv Output system/files Lawson dbase tables Automation kronos sftp crypto key auth Wim to Lawson ftp via ftpuser wim to lawson rsh va root su to olink and wtsubmit jobdef ARCHIVE ***** this folder it AUTO PURGED at 90 days ***** Common\HealthCareSource\Exports UsrFldYYYYMMDD.csv empload08YYYYMMDD.csv empload13YYYYMMDD.csv kronos WIM does purge, W_ArchivePurgeMonthly_10, monthly 10th at 2:03AM Hard Coding HcSGetFilesINFOR.bat rem ----- Put Export files on Lawson to process ----- path and server rem ----- Run Lawson load programs ----- server Contacts Tammie Hinton HR/81210 THinton@forrestgeneral.com Deborah Pierce HR/81293 Deborah.Pierce@forrestgeneral.com Lawson Team, Ruth 82383 rpeterson@forrestgeneral.com DOWNTIME run manually cannot be run multiple times as it runs 500 update programs 7Am run can be run anytime after 7 When Hcs generates file and until 11:55 am Noon file can be run anytime after 12noon when Hcs generates the file and until 11:55PM Script uses hour less than 12 to determine what it is supposed to be running