What/How it runs WIM, daily 10:30PM, W_GoodEmpBuild GoodEmpBuild.kni EPICGoodDocLookUp.knx EPICGoodDoc.KNX EmeritusLookUp.KNX NonEmpLookUp.KNX GoodEmp2013ExcArrears.KNX GoodEmp2AddNonEmps.KNX GoodEmp3AddPhys.KNX GoodEmp4AddEmeritus.KNX GoodEmpTurnOff1.KNX GoodEmp2013FigureArrears.KNX valleydept.KNX GoodEmpAutomate.bat Parent process moveit - common cents (EPIC doctor file produced at 3:00AM) - Daily at 03:57 Child process various systems ingest the file at various times Input system/files common\WIMEPIC\common_cents.txt Common\GoodEmp\Emeritus.txt Common\GoodEmp\ChargingNonEmps.txt Lawson dbase tables Common\GoodEmp\EPICActiveDocs.txt Common\GoodEmp\goodemp.txt Output system/files NonEmpBadgeName.TBL Common\GoodEmp\EPICActiveDocs.txt Common\GoodEmp\goodemp.txt Common\GoodEmp\goodemp2.txt Arrears.txt VFdept.txt \\gempay2008\importexport\goodemp.dat \\fghuser\common\Common\selbysoft\tnacemp.txt Common\GoodEmp\VFgoodemp.txt Automation ftp via user/pword to CUSTOMER.HORIZONSOFTWARE.COM/ValleyFood ARCHIVE Last 10 versoins only in Common\GoodEmp Hard Coding various status, process levels, and ded codes Contacts Lawson Team, Ruth or Hope DOWNTIME none required, various systems will just use their old files. Can run early or late (if late it could be after the system picked up the file) can run multiple times as it produces files and distributes them to various places, but they will overlay NOTES I found Static The common/GoodEmp/ChargingNonEmps.txt is hard coded manually. This is for board members, ER Phy office staff, etc. Non employees that are not docs or retired docs, but finance is willing to let them charge and manually bill them. 22:00 The LawsonActiveEmps.txt get pulled from Lawson dbase via GoodEmp2013.kni *****This is not used to figure goodemp, just in case you need it. NOTE pending orientation and leave status are included in the good employee file Fields can be added to this file as necessary. It is not used in the goodemp file process. 22:30 the final goodemp.txt file is built via GoodEmpBuild.kni 1)the Active Physicians are pulled from common/WIMEPIC/common_cents.txt and put in EPICActiveDocs.txt the doctors from EPIC goes to common/WIMEPIC/common_cents.txt daily at 1:01AM from moveit probably 2)The Emeritus gets pulled from Cactus dbase and put in Emeritus.txt file 3)knx pulls active emps without arrears instead of using the above file. NOTE pending orientation and leave status are included in the good employee file 4)adds the static non employees 5)adds the EPIC physicians 6)adds the Emeritus doc from Cactus system. 7)Added knx to remove any employee in a hard coded table so it will in effect inactivate any badge you specify. The table has to be deployed each time it is changed. Also the badge will remain inactive until someone manually removes it and redeploys the table. 8)Added a knx to list arrears in Arrears.txt to be used to determine if payroll is running 9)Added the dept knx from the old stuff to build VFdept.txt for Valley Foods 10)runs a bat file to count arrears file to determine if payroll is running/over 100 arrears and overlay with the "last good/yesterday file" if it is and sends final file to all servers ***** There is also a process to figure good employees as those who have HCS insurance and with arrears based only on overdue pharmacy charges for Employee Pharmacy/Prism server. See Common\IS\KNOWLEDGE BASE\LAWSON\INTERFACES\Documentation\Employee Pharmacy\FGH 3step job olink02 recdef TD501 gets file from HCS FG503 figures good emp from HCS file and PHARM arrears TD501A ftps file to Prism server if not over 50 people in arrears(assumes payroll run) ***** A similiar process to the Emp Pharm is the Emp Health to Respond. Except they don't use it. The old process still runs from cron and they use that, I'm pretty sure. They are replacing Respond system Another process sends employees to Healthstream. not sure what that is. Another kni sends an active emps file to is/download for security person, Lawcommonis, I think ***** Another process sends employees to Healthstream. not sure what that is. *****