What/How it runs kronos WIMs W_StrataReqsToLawson_9AM at 09:10 Daily W_StrataReqsToLawson_39M at 15:10 Daily W_StrataReqsToLawson_12Noon at 12:10 Daily StrataReqsTowLawson.kni StrataGetReqs.bat olink02 jobdef FG533RQ500 - jobdef FG533RQ500 FG533GET - FG533RQ500files.sh - fixes their file-emails attachment url-and archives file RQ/FG533 - Strata IFace reformat for RQ500 - reformats the EPIC data to feed RQ500 RQ/RQ500 - Requisition Interface - Ingests into Lawson dbase tables FG533CLEAN - FG533RQ500cleanup.sh - deletes working files in Lawson Parent process Strata creates files on their server /upload/2962/Outgoing/Extracts CAP_Requisition_Extract_Report_9AM.cs CAP_Requisition_Extract_Report_12PM.csv CAP_Requisition_Extract_Report_3PM.csv Child process Buyers pull reqs to POs Input system/files FG533RQ500files.sh /Lawson $LAWDIR/$FGHENV/hht/stratinFIX FG533 Lawson $LAWDIR/$FGHENV/hht/stratin RQ500 Lawson $LAWDIR/$FGHENV/hht/stratout Output system/files FG533RQ500files.sh /Lawson $LAWDIR/$FGHENV/hht/stratin FG533 Lawson $LAWDIR/$FGHENV/hht/stratout RQ500 Lawson dbase tables ARCHIVE /Lawson $LAWDIR/$FGHENV/hht/STRATAREQS/stratinFIX$DATESTR Automation wim - psftp with crypto key to Strata wim rsh to Lawson Hard Coding some in FG533 Contacts Doris Vaughn, Materials Ruth, Lawson team Strata Gabriel Salas, StrataDecision T: 312.827.7659 gsalas@stratadecision.com www.stratadecision.com Chris Barth, StrataDecision T: 312.827.7714 | F: 312.726.2947 cbarth@stratadecision.com DOWNTIME run manually if possible, Strata can resend as needed OR archive files from Strata server and process them later - they overlay files daily cannot run multiple times as it loads requisitions in Lawson dbase