What/How it runs PR FG522 - FGHEmpPharm Prism Chrgs to PR Manually during payroll run/processing Parent process Every other Sunday at 6:30AM WIM PioneerPR.kni - gets tranout from Pioneer server and puts on Lawson /lawson/law/prod/usrscripts/TD5012.sh Child process Every other Sunday at 7:30AM WIM PioneerPRsplit.kni - splits FGH from AAA, send AAA to them Input system/files /lawson/law/prod/work/PRISMIMP/PRISMIMP.csv Output system/files Lawson dbase tables /lawson/law/prod/work/PRISMEXP/RPPRISMPAY Automation none Hard Coding Deduction Code Contacts LaSandra Pace, Payroll Lawson Team, Ruth DOWNTIME Lord help us if we are down during payroll processing!!!! Report only can be rerun as much and often as necessary. Update can only be run once as it writes records into OneTmDed table