What/How it runs WIM, Manual by AP finance, EPICPBrefundreturnManual.kni, EPICPBrefundreturn.knx, epicpbrefundreturn.bat Parent process AP Finance runs checks Child process moveit - EPIC Lawson PB imports, every day at 18:00 lawson cron - /lawson/law/prod/usrscripts/pbrefunds_import.sh, daily 5:15AM Input system/files Lawson dbase tables Output system/files common\WIMEPIC\pbrefunds_import.txt Automation none ARCHIVE common\WIMEPIC\Archive\pbrefunds_importYYYYMMDD.txt Hard Coding APPAYMENT.invoice_group = 'PBRF' and (to_char(APPAYMENT.void_date, 'yyyymmdd')) = '17000101' and (to_char(APPAYMENT.check_date, 'YYYYMMDD')) = :PROMTDATE Contacts LAwson team, Hope DOWNTIME run manually if necessary, guessing it can be run late, but would have to ask to be sure it can be run multiple times before the moveit at 18:00 I cannot determine if it can be run multiple times after the moveit The moveit puts YYYYMMDD in the name, but I don't know when EPIC actually ingests the file