What/How it runs -Something on Pioneer runs at 6:00AM to produce the tranout file in c:\HEP_Payroll on the old prism server that is now the "file automation pc" and a workstation. It is the first one located on the pharmacist counter in the back- WIM W_PioneerPR_Sun, every other Sunday 6:30AM moves Pioneer server tranout charge file to lawson WIM W_PioneerPRSplit_Sun, every other Sunday 7:30AM, splits file on lawson server-FGH back to lawson, AAAA moves to common folder MoveIt puts AAA charge file from common onto AAA server -Payroll run completes- WIM W_EmpPharmPayments_Wed, every other Wed 1:15PM, pulls payrolldeds/"payments" dedin file, and sends to Pioneer server -Something on Pioneer server runs and posts the dedin payments file- WIM W_PioneerPRPay_Thur every other Thurs 6:30AM, emails payments posted amount from Pioneer dbase WIM W_EmpPharmPayments_Wed, every other Wed 1:15PM EmpPharmPayments.kni empPharmPayments.knx AAAPayments.knx PayFiles.bat /lawson/law/prod/usrscripts/TD503.sh Parent process see above Child process see above Input system/files Lawson dbase tables common\lawson\PRISMIMPall.csv /lawson/law/prod/work/PRISMEXP/RPPRISMPAY Output system/files common\lawson\FGHEPharmPay.txt PrismFilePC/HEP_Payroll/dedin.csv $LAWDIR/$FGHENV/work/PRISMEXP/FGHPRISMDEDUCTS ARCHIVE PrismFilePC/HEP_Payroll/dedin$DATESTR $LAWDIR/$FGHENV/work/PRISMEXP/FGHPRISMDEDUCTS$DATESTR $LAWDIR/$FGHENV/work/PRISMIMP/PRSIMIMP$DATESTR.csv Automation wim rsh via root to Lawson lawson ftp via root .netrc fghuserftp to common lawson ftp via root .netrc to prism server Hard Coding PRDISTRIB.GL_DATE =(to_date(SYSDATE)+2) and PRDISTRIB.DED_CODE='PHAR' Contacts Lawson Team, Ruth PioneerRx 800 850-5111 Customer # 33024 DOWNTIME run manually as PioneerRX picks the fileup at a certain time. cannot run earlier than payroll finishes (date range looks 2 days ahead for GLDate) cannot run later than PioneerRX picks up the file cause you cannot get PioneerRX to do anything! cannot run multiple times as it removes some of the input files