What/How it runs kronos WIM weekly thursday at 7:00AM W_EPICREFUNDS_Thur epicrefunds.kni epicrefundlog.bat epicrefund.bat epicrefundsapcattach.knx epicrefundsapcinvoice.knx epicrefundtolawson.bat /lawson/law/prod/usrscripts/EPICREFUNDAPCI.sh /lawson/law/prod/usrscripts/EPICREFUNDAPCC.sh epicrefundmail.bat Parent process moveit - refunds hb - Every Thursday at 01:00 Child process Finance AP runs AP520 in non update, balances, and then runs in update Input system/files common\WIMEPIC\refunds.txt Output system/files Lawson dbase tables common\WIMEPIC\apcattach.csv common\WIMEPIC\apcinvoice.csv Automation rsh via root to Lawson ARCHIVE common\WIMEPIC\Archive\refundsYYYYMMDD.txt common\WIMEPIC\Archive\apcattachYYYYMMDD.csv common\WIMEPIC\Archive\apcinvoiceYYYYMMDD.csv Hard Coding dont see much, better check though Contacts Lawson Team, Hope finance, James and Tracey DOWNTIME run manually run early? - cannot before EPIC gives us the file run late? - I don't really know, will have to ask Hope, and finance cannot run multiple times as it loads into 2 lawson dbase tables (unless you delete the records from both tables)