What/How it runs kronos WIM W_EPBJ, 7th day of each month at 12:15Noon(emails LawCallGroup, Joyce Fikes, Allison Jones ) EPBJ.kni EPBJGetMedSouthFiles.bat Parent process MidSouth generates a zip file that contains a .xml file and a csv file for the previous months data Child process Joyce and Allison at Jeff Davis review the files for accuracy and manually load them on some website Input system/files sftpPBJ.Casamba.net server 33JD_YYYY_MM_DD_Thru_YYYY_MM_DD.csv 33JD_YYYY_MM_DD_Thru_YYYY_MM_DD.zip Output system/files \\fgh\pub\FGH\Common\EPBJ 33JD_YYYY_MM_DD_Thru_YYYY_MM_DD.csv 33JD_YYYY_MM_DD_Thru_YYYY_MM_DD.zip Automation sftp via PBJ_MidSouth user and password ARCHIVE \\fgh\pub\FGH\Common\EPBJ\Archive 33JD_YYYY_MM_DD_Thru_YYYY_MM_DD.csv 33JD_YYYY_MM_DD_Thru_YYYY_MM_DD.zip Hard Coding fancy stuff with months and leap years in the batch file Contacts Hope, Ruth Lawson Team Joyce Fikes, Allison Jones at Jeff Davis Jane.Moffett@Casamba.net cmayes@midsouthrehab.com mbuckley@midsouthrehab.com DOWNTIME Can be run multiple times, it only picks up and archives files Can be run late until the last day of the month, once month changes, it will not run late cannot run early unless MidSouth has the file ready early