What/How it runs WIM ENUMERATIONDEP.knx only, not scheduled WIM ENUMERATIONDEP.knx only, IT Lawson staff runs as part of year end processing Parent process Hope builds input table used for dependent reporting. Child process none Input system/files lawson dbase tables EMPLOYEE EMDEPEND Output system/files \\kronos7-4\kronos\IFC\ENUMERATION\evs-ssndep20xx.txt Automation none ARCHIVE none Hard Coding YES in the Source query where EMDEPEND.company = 10 and active_flag = 'A' and EMDEPEND.hl_cov_flag = 'Y' and ((to_char(EMPLOYEE.term_date, 'yyyymmdd')) = '17000101' or (to_char(EMPLOYEE.term_date, 'yyyymmdd')) > '20161231') Contacts Lawson Team, Hope, Lynn DOWNTIME none required as it is run on demand by us.