What/How it runs WIM, every Monday @ 4:30am, W_beyondfeedback beyondfeedback.kni beyondfeedback.knx Parent process none Child process no child processes Input system/files Lawson Online Terms Output system/files \\Kronos7-4\Kronos\IFC\Beyond\beyond_FGH_<:rundate>.csv Automation uploads the file to Beyond Feedback, third party termination review center ARCHIVE E:\Beyond\Archive\beyond_FGH_<:rundate>.csv Hard Coding to_char((SYSDATE - 8), 'YYYYMMDD')) - so that we can collect all terms from the past week. Contacts LAwson Team, Richard DOWNTIME run manually Can be re run as the values sent to Beyond Feedback will simply be overwritten in there system when they load the file in.